Teachers and School Directors:
Bring fun and excitement to your
school with Sports Stars For Kids.
Our Programs


If you are looking for a program that will bring fun, energy and excitement to your school each week you have to try us! With over 50 lesson plans, Sports Stars offers an instant addition to you current curriculum with no extra investment of effort by you. We supply the equipment, music and an exceptional coach!

How It Works

There are 2 options for making Sports Stars available to your students. First, as an owner or director of a school, you can pay for Sports Stars, making it an integral part of your program. This will give parents another reason to choose your facility over the competition.

Second, we can offer Sports Stars directly to the parents as an additional program they may choose for their children. Busy parents appreciate these activities at their child's place of learning. Just think - one less day of rushing to pick up their children and driving to extra-curricular activities.

Over 50 Lesson Plans

With over 50 lesson plans and new ideas always in the works, Sports Stars brings a wide-variety of activities right to your school. Each lesson plan is proven to be safe and age-appropriate. Each child receives their own equipment so they can learn at their pace.


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